Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My computers been infected and i don't know how to get rid of it. Help?

my laptops been infected by the trojen and something else. i don't have any antivirus thingy. are there any programs i can download for free off the net that'll help me get rid of the virus?

my thumbdrive and camera have been infected as well. how can i get rid of it off them?

My computers been infected and i don't know how to get rid of it. Help?anti virus scan

Go to and download their Home version 4. It's free and you have no business being on the internet without anti-virus software and a firewall.

Then go to and download adawareSE it's also free and will help to clean up your system.

You problably have more viruses and trojans on your computer that you can shake a stick at.

Any more specific instructions for the removal would depend on exactly what you have infecting you.

My computers been infected and i don't know how to get rid of it. Help?ariel

viruses are very hard to get rid of, in fact, they usually can't be fixed. if you go to a virus tracker online, and download it, it will tell you all the status that is wrong and it may help you get rid of it. no guarantees.
go to and look for avg free i think its better than avast

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